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The AI-Augmented Leader

Kunstmatige intelligentie zal onze manier van werken drastisch veranderen. Maar het zal niet veranderen hoe we leiding geven. Terwijl de AI-revolutie voortschrijdt en werknemers een mix van acceptatie, angst, opwinding en wantrouwen ervaren, zullen de beste leiders de technologie omarmen en de kernkwaliteiten van menselijk leiderschap beheersen.

Lees ons laatste nieuws in HBR

De AI-geactiveerde menselijke leider

Omarm AI en
dubbel inzetten op mensen

AI can be like an exoskeleton for the mind and heart of a human leader. It can strengthen our cognitive powers, allowing us to process vast amounts of information swiftly and make good decisions. AI can help deepen our understanding of employees and team dynamics, encouraging diverse thinking and psychologically safe environments.

However, as great as AI can be, alone it cannot make us better leaders. Relying only on AI, without doing the inner work of human development would be like buying a top-of-the-line Ferrari while ignoring our driving skills.

To get the best from AI, we need to equally invest in the development of our human potential. Alone, neither is sufficient. Both are necessary. 

Omarm AI, maar ontwikkel menselijke kwaliteiten

Het gebied van AI versus menselijke activiteiten: Aan de ene kant kun je overwegen in hoeverre je AI kunt benutten. Aan de andere kant kun je overwegen in hoeverre je je menselijkheid moet benutten.

AI-Augmented Leader Model

The AI Augmented Leader is a both/and leader who brings the best of both human and machine to their leadership practice. This work begins with the three core human qualities of awareness, wisdom, and compassion.

AI-augmented leaders are superior at both providing context and identifying AI content that is relevant to their goals. They are excellent at both asking insightful questions and wisely discerning the answers provided by AI. And they are masters at both leading with heart and leveraging people insights from AI algorithms.
Awareness is the perceptual capacity of the mind to observe internal and external experiences. Awareness helps us to know who we are, what we are doing, and what we are experiencing, and to interact with our environment in effective ways.
Wisdom is the discerning capacity of the mind to form sound judgment by understanding reality as it is, free of the limitations of ego. Wisdom is not about being smart or having knowledge. It is the ability to make good decisions about situations and people—including ourselves.
Compassion is the responsive capacity of the mind to provide genuine care, with the intention of being of benefit to others and contributing to the greater good. With compassion, we understand and empathize with the emotional states of others and takes an active interest in alleviating or reducing their struggles.
Awareness and AI:
Context + Content

Leaders can leverage AI for content they would never be able to access easily without AI. Then through awareness, they put that content into the broader context of the world in which that information exists. AI brings vast amounts of information, and leaders with awareness bring interpretation, values, and ethical considerations for a powerful combination of insight and vision.
Wisdom and AI:
Questions + Answers

AI excels at providing answers based on amounts of information far surpassing human reach. In doing so, it can challenge our thinking and spur our creativity. But it’s up to leaders to apply wisdom to the answers – to question where they came from and where they lead to. Only leaders have the cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence to move from answers to wise choices.
Compassion and AI:
Heart + Algorithm

AI can greatly contribute to a leaders’ understanding of the interplay of human dynamics in the workplace. But that’s only an input into compassion. Compassion is felt and experienced by employees when leaders demonstrate the uniquely human ability to lead with heart – to bring a genuine desire to support and guide and to contribute positively to the lives of employees, customers, and the broader community.

Potential Project
Nieuwste onderzoek

We hebben meer dan 600 werknemers uit verschillende sectoren ondervraagd om inzicht te krijgen in hun mening over kunstmatige intelligentie en leiderschap. Het comfort van AI neemt toe, maar werknemers willen en waarderen nog steeds menselijke leiders.

We hebben vastgesteld dat er veel vertrouwen is in AI als het gaat om strategie en besluitvorming. 65% van de respondenten had "enigszins" tot "volledig vertrouwen" in het vermogen van AI om een strategie te ontwikkelen.  

En de respondenten geven aan dat ze het prima vinden dat AI een rol speelt bij het analyseren van hun prestaties en het optimaliseren van acties en beslissingen. 43% is het hier "mee eens" of "zeer mee eens" en 23% is "neutraal" over dit onderwerp.

Enigszins verrassend gaf 45% van de respondenten aan dat ze zich "enigszins" tot "zeer" op hun gemak voelen bij het krijgen van AI-gestuurde feedback over prestaties, zolang het maar positieve feedback is.

Maar als het gaat om het ontvangen van negatieve feedback over prestaties, zou slechts 25% van de respondenten zich "enigszins" tot "uitermate" op zijn gemak voelen bij het ontvangen van negatieve feedback over werkprestaties als deze door AI zou worden gegenereerd. 55% zou zich "enigszins" tot "zeer" ongemakkelijk voelen.  

Think You Are Open to AI?
Think Again

If we are being honest, we may feel nervous about AI – of not grasping what’s new, of being outrun by those “smarter” than us, or being seen as old-school by those whom we lead.

In the face of these fears, our instinct may be to protect our ego and ignore the shifts around us. The better answer for ourselves and those we lead?

Adopting a beginner’s mind full of curiosity and an openness to new ways of thinking and doing.

According to our research, leaders who adopt a beginner’s mind towards AI can bolster the well-being and commitment of their teams by 25% or higher.

Interested in more? Click the button below to see our recent research report, The Human Leader.

Ga dieper op het onderwerp in

How AI Can Make Us Better Leaders

As great as AI can be, it cannot make us better leaders. For leaders to rely only on AI, without doing the inner work of human development, would be like buying a top-of-the-line Ferrari while ignoring our driving skills. To get the best from AI, we need to equally invest in the development of our human potential. Alone, neither is sufficient. Both are necessary.

In our latest HBR article, Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter discuss how AI can become a powerful ally in enhancing leadership abilities. They argue that to truly harness AI’s potential, leaders must also cultivate core human qualities – awareness, wisdom, and compassion – and integrate them with AI capabilities.

To Succeed with AI, Adopt a Beginner’s Mindset

Learn more about the importance of a beginner’s mindset in our thought-provoking Harvard Business Review article titled “To Succeed with AI, Adopt a Beginner’s Mindset”.

De beste leiders kunnen niet worden vervangen door AI

Do you believe that leaders have qualities that AI cannot emulate? Or do you think that leaders will sooner or later be replaced? Read our Harvard Business Review article to explore more on this insightful topic.

To Succeed with AI, Adopt a Beginner’s Mindset

Fear and anxiety naturally arise in times of substantial change, such as the current AI revolution. However, they can cause leaders to fall back on their ego and emphasize their expertise, which negatively impacts both people and organizations.

Instead, leaders need to adopt a beginner’s mindset characterized by openness and curiosity.

Learn more about the importance of a beginner’s mindset in our thought-provoking Harvard Business Review article titled “To Succeed with AI, Adopt a Beginner’s Mindset”.

De beste leiders kunnen niet
worden vervangen door AI

Despite the complexity and messiness of human interactions, employees still value them over AI’s promise. This, of course, doesn’t mean we should shun AI and its many performance benefits. Instead, the best leaders of today — and tomorrow — find a balance in their practice that embraces AI and its many strengths while also doubling down on their very human qualities as leaders.  

Do you believe that leaders have qualities that AI cannot emulate? Or do you think that leaders will sooner or later be replaced?  

Read our Harvard Business Review article to explore more on this thought-provoking topic.

De Mantra's van Medelevend Leiderschap

Elk hoofdstuk van het boek is gebaseerd op een belangrijke mantra die gebruikt wordt om wijs, compassievol leiderschap te helpen cultiveren. Als begeleidende gids bij het nieuwe boek, bieden we een serie Mantra Werkbladen aan die beschikbaar zijn om te downloaden.

We can help you with your AI journey.

An Inspiring Keynote

Human Leaders in the Age of AI

Leiders staan onder druk om snel en slim te handelen nu de reikwijdte en toepasbaarheid van kunstmatige intelligentie exponentieel groeien. Tegelijkertijd zorgen het historisch lage vertrouwen in leiders en de externe omgeving die wordt geteisterd door conflicten en verdeeldheid ervoor dat werknemers op zoek zijn naar leiders die authentiek, transparant en meelevend zijn. Hoe komen we verder in een toekomst met AI?

In deze keynote delen we de resultaten van Potential Project's recente onderzoek naar wanneer en hoe je het beste AI kunt omarmen, en delen we provocerende inzichten over wanneer leiders moeten verdubbelen om meer menselijke leiders te worden. Er is een manier om beide te doen en de kans is nu. Laten we aan de slag gaan.

  • Voor: 20-30 leidinggevenden‍
  • Duration: 1-2 hours

An Experiential Program for Leaders

Becoming an AI-Augmented Human Leader

In an AI-enabled future, leaders who leverage AI will have a distinct advantage through gains in productivity, efficiency, and improved decision-making. When used appropriately, AI can even help to increase employee confidence and trust in leadership and the organization. But employees still want and value human leaders, despite the shortfalls and blind spots that come along that. Leaders who deepen their ability to lead with humanity will win at attracting, retaining, developing, and motivating top talent. For all of us, this is an amazing opportunity: an opportunity to be more authentic, more connected, more human.

Our experts and experienced facilitators guide teams through interactive discussions and exercises to build the three core qualities of a human leader: awareness, wisdom and compassion.

  • For: Intact or cross-functional teams
  • Duur: Van 1 tot 4 sessies van elk 60 minuten
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Hartelijk dank voor uw tijd. Ik hoop dat je het niveau van interesse en betrokkenheid van het team hebt kunnen zien als het gaat om compassievol leiderschap en jouw onderzoek. Ze wensten zeker dat we meerdere uren aan dit onderwerp zouden besteden!

Francine Katsoudas Chief Human Resources Officer, Cisco